Senin, 11 Juni 2012

iPhone Notifications 5.5 Apk

iPhone Notifications displays your device's notifications like an iPhone. With iPhone Notifications you can greatly improve the way your device displays notifications. You can display any app's notifications the same way it would be displayed on IOS5, on your smartphone as well as on your tablet device.

The service :
  • To work properly, iPhone Notifications requires that you activate the accessibility service "iPhone Notifications" (accessibility services are currently the only way to process user notifications on the Android OS).
  • You then have to use the "Monitoring" section to choose which apps should raise notifications, and how.
  • Status bar notifications must be enabled in the monitored apps for the banners and alerts to appear properly.
How to use it :
  • Once you have activated the service and configured the app, you can choose to display each app's notifications as alerts or banners.
Password : remoxp
Download iPhone Notifications 5.5 Apk || Download From Market


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